February is National Heart Health Month. Maricopa cardiologist Dr. Zaher Akkad and his staff offer tips for keeping a healthy heart.

1.    Be physically active. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity at least five days a week, or 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity three days a week. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t have the time or some days are busier than others – something is always better than nothing.

2.    Eat a well-balanced diet. Maintain a healthy body weight. Choose foods low in cholesterol and fats. Watch sodium intake and increase fruits and vegetables. Portion control is key. Always stay hydrated.

3.    Complete yearly physicals. Physicals allow your provider to check for basic things such as blood pressure, blood work, body mass index (BMI) and any abnormal heart sounds or rhythms.

4.    Know your cardiac risk factors. Five major risk factors for heart disease are hypertension, diabetes, family history of coronary artery disease, tobacco use and hyperlipidemia. Prevention is key. If you have cardiac risk factors, discuss them with your provider. A referral to a cardiologist may be beneficial for baseline screening. Make it a goal to control your blood pressure and diabetes. Take your medications as prescribed. Genetics is not something that can be controlled, but it’s very important to know your family medical history.

5.    Control stress. Increased stress can lead to elevated blood pressure and heart rate, as well as unhealthy lifestyle choices. A stress-relieving technique such as yoga and meditation helps relieve stress and benefits your body and quality of life.

Source: Zaher Akkad, M.D. and Katie Minor, PA-C – Affiliated Cardiologists of AZ

This column appears in the February issue of InMaricopa.