High school’s Prevention Resource Center initiates Graffiti Busters program


You’ve probably seen graffiti somewhere in your community. It’s the words, colors and shapes drawn or scratched on buildings, overpasses, desks and other surfaces. It’s done without permission, and it’s against the law.

Graffiti sends the signal that nobody cares, attracting other forms of crime and street delinquency to the neighborhood.

Graffiti drains tax dollars. Funds that could be used for school projects and community improvements are used for graffiti clean up.

Graffiti decreases a resident’s feeling of safety and/or a student’s feeling of being safe on a school campus.

The Maricopa Prevention Resource Center located on the high school campus of the Maricopa Unified School District is launching a Graffiti Busters Program to address the graffiti and vandalism that has occurred on the district campuses.

So Who You Gonna Call – Graffiti Busters!!!!!!

Research states that the most effective way to prevent graffiti is to remove it promptly. While that may be difficult, studies show that removal within 24 to 48 hours results in a nearly zero rate of recurrence.

Graffiti Busters will assist in the immediate removal of graffiti on campus or in the community by involving students, teachers and parents!

Consistent enforcement with strict penalties for graffiti and vandalism is also effective.

Graffiti Busters will enforce all school policies and follow up with appropriate law enforcement.

Getting educated and learning about graffiti impacts your school and community, and learning about who is responsible for graffiti prevention and removal is important.

Graffiti Busters will coordinate a graffiti awareness campaign targeted at the student population to create an understanding of how graffiti hurts their school and community.

Reporting graffiti to the appropriate authorities is critical.

Graffiti Busters will initiate a reporting system on or off campus. A silent witness program will provide two ways to report: via a 24-hour phone message system at (520) 568-5140 or by email.

For further information on this new prevention program, please call (520) 568-8147.