Letter: Brown supporting Wade, Vitiello for City Council


By Marvin L. Brown

Marvin Brown. (Photo by Tyler Loveall)

As a council member of the City of Maricopa for 10 years, I have had the opportunity to work with and observe a number of men and women who also served on council. They brought different attitudes, personalities and philosophies.

Former President Franklin D. Roosevelt said “We need enthusiasm, imagination, and the ability to face facts, even unpleasant ones, bravely.”

There are two men running for council who possess these qualities, one is Henry Wade, a current colleague, who has met the test of leadership and resoluteness. The other is Rich Vitiello, whose passion and enthusiasm, coupled with having 28 years of business experience brings an asset to this council. When I speak with Rich, I am mindful of that old saying by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “what are you doing for others?”

Rich indeed believes in helping others.

Marvin L. Brown is a member of Maricopa City Council and former vice mayor.