By Dick Barkley

I am typically laissez-faire on most things concerning other people and their habits. However there is one habit when seen infuriates me to no end: Driving while texting.

I have witnessed, as I am sure most of your readers have, people driving while distracted. Nothing is more discomforting than to watch these people putting themselves and others at risk of bodily injury and even death.

This is the season people are categorized and affiliated with one party or another (election season is in full swing). I would like to introduce my recommendation for a third (if you don’t count the tea party) party name that these individuals fit.

I guess these folks that continue this practice must consider themselves above and beyond anything that has to do with consideration for others. I consider these folks as:


To the folks who are reading this that practice texting and driving I categorize your party affiliation as Lowlife. I hope you realize how disgusting your party is and do something about it.

Dick Barkley is a Providence resident.