Maricopa resident places 5th in Valley competition


Maricopa firefighter and CrossFit gym owner Nathan Maxcy took home a 5th place overall finish in the East Valley Iron Fest last weekend.

Maxcy competed in the 94 kilo weight class, weighing in at 194 pounds. He snatched 95 kilos (209 pounds), hoisted 120 kilos (264 pounds) in the clean and jerk and completed seven rounds one repetition of the AMRAP MetCon.

The MetCon is a CrossFit workout that requires seven reps of 30-inch box jumps, seven reps of lifts with a 70-pound kettle bell and seven reps of full range of motion pull-ups.

The completion of all 21 reps is considered a round.

For his feats, Maxcy earned second place in his weight class and a fifth place overall finish in the competition.

“This was a great event,” Maxcy said. “All the lifts were performed and judged using Olympic standards.” To learn more about Maxcy’s gym visit

Photos courtesy of  Nicole Rameyer with Nikolr Photography.

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