A+ Charter to start Esports afterschool program


A+ Charter Schools has teamed up with Marciopa Esports to provide an all new afterschool program that will guide and coach students into starting up their own Esports teams.

“We couldn’t be more thrilled to provide the technology, resources, and space to A+ Charter Schools and help them launch this new program,” said Matthew Reiter, marketing and development coordinator. “Esports has been growing tremendously over the last decade and we’re excited to provide this unique program to their students.”

Maricopa Esports has 12 dedicated, state-of-the-art gaming PCs as well as four LCD televisions and several consoles available that provide a variety of diverse competitive options for players. A+ Charter Schools program will be held Mondays through Friday afternoons with regularly weekly tournaments held on Saturdays.

For additional information about the program, partnership, or ask questions, contact Reiter at 520-316-6954 or  [email protected].