Copper Sky Cup soccer
Parents of youth soccer players practicing at Copper Sky complained recently about mosquitos at the site, prompting the city to fog last Friday to reduce mosquito populations. [Brian Petersheim Jr.]

The city has fogged for mosquitoes in response to complaints from parents of kids practicing soccer at Copper Sky.

City recreation coordinator Matthew Reiter said the city responded quickly but noted fogging will not repel all the mosquitoes. Fogging is a technique used for killing insects that involves using a fine pesticide spray (aerosol) directed by a blower.

“(Friday) morning we fogged, but this will just reduce them and not eliminate all of them,” he said. “In a few weeks, the heat should take care of this issue.”

Most mosquito species in the United States increase activity at dusk because direct daylight can dehydrate and kill them.

Reiter said parents recommend using repellent, and wearing long sleeves and pants, to minimize exposure to the insects.

Nathan Ullyot, the city’s director of community services, said the issue is not new.

“It’s very common, this time of year especially, as the sun goes down,” he said. “We do have a fogging treatment to help abate the mosquitoes, but it is not something that can be stopped completely. The lights at the park are also attractors for the mosquitoes.

“I was at the park Wednesday and the mosquitoes definitely popped up in a big way,” Ullyot continued. “We will continue to do the fogging treatment. Nighttime visitors should also bring personal bug spray.”