By Kristina Donnay, FNP-C

Did you know the body can repair itself? Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a form of regenerative medicine offered at Maricopa Wellness Center. This therapy uses the patient’s own healing system.

PRP injections are prepared by taking the patient’s own blood and running it through a centrifuge to achieve a high concentrate of platelet-rich plasma. These activated platelets are then injected directly into the injured area. This stimulates and increases the number of reparative cells the body produces. Side effects of PRP are very limited since the injections are created from the patient’s own blood, the body will not reject or react negatively to them.

PRP can treat joint pain, injured tendons, partial ligament tears, sprains, meniscal tears, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, musculoskeletal problems and sexual dysfunction issues. PRP can reduce the need for anti-inflammatories, opioids, steroid injections, physical therapy and even surgery. The number of treatments depends on the patient’s age, heath, and the degree of injury. Improvement is normally seen in two to four weeks and additional injections are separated by six weeks.

If you are considering PRP therapy, confirm the provider is using a special double spin centrifuge designed for PRP and not a normal lab centrifuge. Ultrasound guided injections should always be part of this treatment to achieve optimal results. Finally, ensure the provider is properly trained.

Learn more about PRP by calling or stopping in to meet our licensed staff of professionals and learn more about optimum health.