Fire District Board and City meet on Propositon 400


City officials will be meeting with Maricopa Fire District’s governing board on Monday evening to discuss Proposition 400, the proposed property tax change from a secondary to a primary tax, and the impact on the fire district, which would then become a city department. The agenda follows:

Board of Directors Special Meeting
April 24, 2006

PURSUANT TO A.R.S. § 38-431
Notice is hereby given to the public that the Maricopa Fire District governing board will hold a special meeting on Monday, April 24, 2006. The meeting will be held at 44624 West Garvey Avenue, Maricopa, Arizona. The meeting will be open to the public and will begin at 6:30 P.M.

The following is a list of items that may, or may not, be discussed at the meeting. Action or decisions may, or may not, be taken on any or all items.

A Speaker Agenda Card is available to be completed by a community member if he/she wishes to speak on an item listed below. Please complete and give to the Clerk of the Board prior to the beginning of the meeting. Thank you.

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call and confirmation of Quorum

4. Review, discussion and possible action regarding the City’s proposed property tax, the City’s potential to provide a City fire department and the potential impact to the Maricopa Fire District.

5. Call to the Public: The procedures to follow if you would like to address the Board are: You are given three (3) minutes or less to express your ideas, voice concerns, ask questions. You are to refrain from any personal attacks or derogatory statements about any District Board Member or Employee. The Chairman will limit discussion whenever he deems such an action appropriate to the proper conduct of the meeting.

6. Adjournment.
Notice: The governing board may vote to go into executive session for the purpose of obtaining legal advice from the Fire District’s attorney on any of the above listed agenda items pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(3).