Getting to know: St. Jude Assisted Living

Owner/Operator: Vincent E. Bustos
When did your business start? May 2007
What does the business do? Assisted living
How did you get into this business, and why in Maricopa?
I have a bachelor of science degree in nursing from the Philippines, and this is a good area for assisted living because Arizona is a place that draws retires from across the country.
What are your one or two main specialties? Direct care, supervisory and personal care in a family and home environment.

Where do you expect to see your business in five years? Continuing to help seniors through their path in life.

Business details:

Address/Location: 19913 N. Bustos Way
Maricopa, AZ 85238
Telephone: (520) 568-2851
Email: [email protected]
Square footage: 2,200
Capacity: Licensed for five individuals

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