January calls to Maricopa Sheriff’s Office largest total ever


More and more calls to the sheriff’s office and the fire department are keeping law enforcement officers, paramedics and firefighters extremely busy.

At last week’s Public Safety Advisory Committee meeting Lieutenant Scott Elliott, head of the Maricopa Sheriff’s Office, and Cindy Inskeep, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator for the Maricopa Fire Department, reported on response calls to their departments during the month of January.

Sheriff’s deputies responded to 642 calls last month. That total is the most calls received by the Sheriff’s Office in any time period to date. The calls were classified as follows:

267 traffic stops
79 traffic citations
146 traffic warnings
48 arrests (45 misdemeanors and three felonies)
10 juvenile arrests

Maricopa’s fire department answered 95 calls, which included:

74 calls for Emergency Medical Services
5 false alarms
1 structure fire

Law enforcement officers, paramedics and / or firefighters responded to a total of 737 calls in January. If the population of Maricopa is approximately 20,000, then 27.3 residents out of every 1,000 required some type of service response, usually for driving or medical problems.