BIZ Kristina Donnay
Kristina Donnay, medical director at Maricopa Wellness Center. [Victor Moreno]

Shaving can be expensive and time-consuming. We don’t often notice the cost because it’s a small part of our weekly grocery bill, but each razor adds up and over the course of your life you’ll spend far more on shaving than you would imagine.

The average American spends between $350 to $600 a year on disposable razors. Shaving
daily can cost money, time and produce red, irritated skin. On average, women will spend
72 days shaving their legs over the course of a lifetime, approximately 1,728 hours. Men,
on the other hand, will spend 45 days shaving their beard and neck or 1,080 hours over their lifetime. This does not include underarms, bikini area and more.

There is a better way! Laser hair-removal can reduce your cost, save time and save your
skin from irritation. Unlike traditional methods (waxing, shaving, bleaching or using depilatory creams), laser hair-removal gets to the root of the problem — literally — rather than provide a temporary solution. Traditional methods continually need application, while laser hair removal only requires a few sessions.

Maricopa Wellness Center is proud to offer the cutting-edge laser hair-removal technology,
DiolazeXL by Inmode. With DiolazeXL, you can effectively throw away your razor. It safely
and effectively eliminates unwanted hair with advanced technology that destroys the root
of the hair follicle. This laser hair-removal technology addresses large treatment areas
quickly and efficiently, so treatments are short and sweet. With unique cooling features
that set the DiolazeXL apart from the rest of the pack, most patients report little to no pain. Clients typically need just 4 to 7 sessions, which are done 4-6 weeks apart.

The DiolazeXL can treat light and dark skin tone. Lighter hair (red/blond/gray/white) is more difficult for the laser to treat because the pigment in the hair is what signals the laser beam to destroy the hair growth. Dark-haired clients with fair skin get the quickest results, but Maricopa Wellness Center offers free consultations to assess your situation. A completely noninvasive procedure, DiolazeXL presents nearly no risks to your health other than transient swelling and redness where follicles were treated. You can resume your work or other daily activities immediately following a treatment session.

DiolazeXL hair removal can safely be used to permanently remove hair from the under arms, face, bikini line, back, chest, legs, shoulders, chin, stomach, neck and more.

If you suffer from excessive, unwanted hair or wish you could throw your razors and waxes away for good, call us to schedule a consultation with one of our certified laser technicians.
