Man arrested for rearranging furniture in Vets Center


Alas Barre was arrested Wednesday for second-degree criminal trespass and disorderly conduct after he was told to stop moving the furniture around inside the Maricopa Veteran’s Center.

On Wednesday, “Barre entered into and remained unlawfully inside the Veterans’ Center Facility located on West Maricopa Casa Grande Highway,” a Maricopa Police officer wrote in a probable cause statement.

Barre had already been “verbally trespassed from the property” Tuesday.

The officer stated it was a clear violation of the trespassing statues.

“While within the facility (he) began to move furniture around and was told to stop,” the report states. “Alas did not stop. Alas continued to engage in behavior which was seriously disruptive with knowledge he was doing so.”

Barre was contacted by police after the event occurred, refused to “answer administrative questions and was later booked at the Pinal County Jail.”