My sister is a model


No, not a runway model, although she is lovely. My sister, Mary Attebery, is someone everyone in Maricopa should model. I am so proud of her!

She started a revolution. O.K., maybe that’s extreme, but she started something great in Maricopa, all by herself.  She was volunteering for the Maricopa Special Olympic team during one of their events out of town and noticed that our team did not have uniforms, but the other teams did.  She didn’t see that as very motivating for the Maricopa team.  She decided she wanted to do something about it so she came home and immediately started researching, by talking with people, how to raise money for this team.
Within one week, she had two events planned to raise money for the Maricopa Special Olympic team for uniforms and other needed equipment.  She involved the coach, the kids participating in Special Olympics, her family, friends and many others in this project. At their first event, they had people asking how they could get involved to help the team. It’s sort of like the movie “Pay it Forward.” After that first event organizers were so excited; they were not only talking about what other events they could hold, but dreaming about improving on what they had learned.

One person, within one week, started this whole adventure. One person. I always say, ‘if you can’t make a difference in Maricopa, you probably can’t make one anywhere.’ Maricopa is the perfect place to make a difference.

I know the school district is going to be challenged in the next few years. I know other organizations are challenged now and will be for a time in the future.  But instead of complaining, whining or not caring, use my sister as a model and get out and do something about it.

Let me modify my previous statement; I am extremely proud of my sister.

Nancy Smith

Photo by Joyce Hollis

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