Resident: Yes, in my backyard


By Gregory Wood

I am having a hard time understanding why a group of out-of-towners has been making videos and running commercials opposing the APEX Motor Club. They claim they are standing up for the neighborhood. That makes no sense.

I am the project’s closest neighbor and I am in total support. It’s a high-end private club where car enthusiasts can run their vehicles in a controlled environment. There will also be upscale condos for these car enthusiasts. It’s not a race track as opponents claim. It’s a private motor sports club. I say welcome to the neighborhood.

I’m not a car guy, but I am a Maricopa resident and I am glad to see that land will be put to good use by providing jobs, attracting tourists, and increasing the tax base. As supporters say it really is good horsepower for our economy.

As a Maricopa resident I am not too impressed with the suspicious group opposing APEX. They’re making bogus claims about noise and traffic. They won’t even identify themselves.

The folks from APEX aren’t hiding because they are proud of their project. They answer questions. They cooperate with our elected leaders. They want to be good neighbors. Maybe that’s why Maricopa Mayor Christian Price and the City Council unanimously approved a conditional use permit for the project.

The group opposing the project is called Speed Kills Maricopa. They won’t say who they are or who is paying the bills. It seems the group is more interested in killing Maricopa’s economy than looking out for my best interests. They don’t speak for me or anyone else I know.

As its closest neighbor, the project would be in my backyard. I say yes, and welcome to the neighborhood.

Gregory Wood is a Maricopa resident.