Sen. Smith asks residents to be involved in 2017 Legislative Session

Sen. Steve Smith

By Sen. Steve Smith

Now that the 2017 legislative session has just begun, I want to take this time as I normally do to involve you, my constituents (aka my bosses), in what is happening at the Senate and in Arizona.

First though, I want to express my sincere gratitude for trusting me to once again serve our community as our Senator, it is truly and honor and one I do not take lightly, so thank you.

Next, I am pleased to tell you that was announced as the Chairman of the Commerce and Public Safety Committee in the Senate, so all issues relating to the economy, economic development, law enforcement, the military, etc. will be coming through my committee.  In addition, I serve on the Education Committee and the Appropriations Committee (i.e. all things relating to spending and the budget), so it will be a very exciting session indeed!

That being said, much of the legislation I typically run comes directly from ideas from concerned citizens, so if you have a suggestion as to something you would like to see Arizona do (or not do), please email or call me as your input is very valuable.

Second, if you want to be able to follow more closely as to what we are doing day to day in the Senate, sign up for my weekly email list where I compile every bill that will be heard in every committee in the upcoming week.

The reason I do this email list is that if you find there are bills of interest to you, you now will hopefully have time to comment on them, to come to the Capitol to speak about them, or to simply get involved any way you want.  Far too often I would hear from constituents that if they had known a certain bill/issue was being considered, they would like to have had the opportunity to weigh in on it before it was voted on, so this has been a way to help solve that and to simply better inform you in general.

Finally, please use me as a resource for help if you need it.  I have had the pleasure of assisting dozens of constituents over the years that have experienced problems ranging from Social Security payments to HOA concerns and everything in between.  This proves you do not have to be a lobbyist or a political insider to get assistance with an issue, you simply need to reach out to me and my office and I will do all we can to help, so do not be shy to ask, this is why I’m here.

Thank you again and God bless!

Senator Steve Smith
Tel: 602-9256-5685
Email: [email protected]