Robby Brown and K.J. Diehl among Winners in Punt, Pass & Kick


Maricopa’s Parks, Recreation & Library (PRL) Department hosted the NFL Pepsi Punt, Pass & Kick Competition at Maricopa High School on Saturday. A great showing of 67 kids ages 5-14 participated in the inaugural event.

The event was free of charge to all youth and gave boys and girls an opportunity to compete against their peers in punting, passing and placekicking skills.

Event coordinator Martin McDonald outlines rules for several of the participants.

According to PRL director Martin McDonald, the City staged the event for two reasons. “One, it’s a great chance for kids to test their football skills and have fun,” Mr. McDonald said. “Two, the PRL Department’s goal is to create community through people, parks and programs. This event brought together over 60 different kids and 60 sets of parents.”

The event is part of the overall initiative of the PRL Department. As director, Mr. McDonald’s “number one mission with events and programs is to bring the community closer together and retain that small town feel that makes Maricopa special.”

The top finishers in each age group were:

5-7 Year Olds
1. Jackson Stensgard (83 points)
2. Isaiah Pedro (64)
3. Ethan Jameson (63)

8-9 Year Olds Boys
1. Brandon Decker (116)
2. Gabriel Bueras (107)
3. Noah Baker (59)

8-9 Year Olds Girls
1. Lisa Chavez (65)

10-11 Year Olds
1. K.J. Diehl (204)
2. Joel Wresh (202)
3. Chandler Hovik (196)

12-14 Year Olds
1. Robby Brown (224)
2. Anthony Garcia (217)
3. Victor Salvatierra (204)

 border=, Lisa Chavez, Brandon Decker, K.J. Diehl and Isaiah Pedro all advance to sectional competition in Marana, Arizona on October 23rd. Ultimately, national winners will be selected to compete for the NFL Pepsi Punt, Pass & Kick Championship at the NFL’s AFC Championship Game in January 2005.

Robby Brown

The local competition will be held annually in September to help kick-off the City of Maricopa’s flag football and Maricopa Youth Football’s tackle football seasons.

Special thanks to Marty Diehl, Steve Hull, Marisa McDonald and Esther Turner who were among the many volunteers who made the event a success. Attesting to their importance, Mr. McDonald said “Having wonderful volunteers who are willing to work hard always makes for a successful event.”

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Tommy Kaddatz, 10, showcases his skills in the punt, pass and kick.

Esther Turner (far left) and Councilman Stephen Baker (far right) were among the volunteers who helped stage the event.

Spencer Wilson loses his shoe in hopes of maximizing his punting distance.

One of the most accurate kicks of the day – just inches from the center target line.

A participant in the punting competition is “backed” by his fellow competitors.