Ram Academy behind schedule, still prepared for students

MHS Assistant Principal Stephen Ybarra is the administrator over Ram Academy, which operates as part of Maricopa High School. Photo by Michelle Chance

Students attending Maricopa High School’s new alternative program, Ram Academy, might not be seated in some of the classrooms intended for them by the start of classes Aug. 7.

Ram Academy Assistant Principal Steve Ybarra said two portable buildings for math and English classes have not yet been delivered to the campus.

“I am not really sure what the delay has been, but I did hear the city permits were causing problems,” Ybarra said.

Laying a concrete pad is also on the to-do list for work crews assigned to the Ram Academy’s portable buildings, as well as connecting electrical service once they arrive.

In the meantime, students will attend math and English classes in the library lab and lab room 128 “until the modulars are installed,” Ybarra said.

The portable buildings will be situated north of the high school’s Career & Technical Education building, but their completion date is still unknown.

Students will still have access to CTE classrooms for their other subjects, along with new bathrooms constructed over the summer specifically for Ram Academy students by the first day of school, Ybarra said.