Morgan: Plan ahead for multiple generations under one roof

Dayv Morgan [File photo]

While the standard homebuyer may be looking for a three or four-bedroom for their nuclear family, American culture in the 21st century is turning more and more toward multigenerational housing.

Whether it’s grandparents moving in, adult children coming back home or other relatives needing temporary living space, the need to accommodate other adults who need reasonable independence and privacy has become a trend.

A recent study by advocacy group Generations United pointed out that 51.4 million Americans live in multigenerational households, which represents a 10% increase since 2007.

Richmond American Homes is bringing the gem of multi-generational living to Maricopa.

In the Seasons at The Lakes at Rancho El Dorado II the new Emerald floor plan will be continuing the trend of multi-generational homes to arrive in the city. At approximately 2,090 square feet, the Emerald floor plan has a 3-car garage, with 4-5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.

When buying a home, it is wise to think into the future about what your extended family’s needs will be in five or 10 years. If your house does not have a built-in suite, are there existing living spaces that can be converted to have a second kitchen, maybe a second laundry, just in case?

In some areas of the country, it is common to convert garage space into living quarters, but this is not recommended in Maricopa. Almost every home is on a post-tension slab, making it difficult to put in extra plumbing after the home is built. You also don’t want to lose parking and storage space, as that will hurt resale value.

Even if you don’t have a current need for a multi-gen home, having a private suite with a private entry opens up, the opportunity to rent a room in your house. In this market, that could turn into a nice little windfall.

The reasons for bringing adult generations under one roof can range from economic pressures to aging or special needs. And while no one anticipates their family having an accident or health issues impacting the way they live in their home, it has become the reality for many, and it’s good to consider such possibilities when buying or updating a home.

Dayv Morgan is a Maricopa Realtor and owner of HomeSmart Success.

[email protected]

This sponsored content was first published in the November edition of InMaricopa magazine.