85239.com offers Maricopa business ‘bailout’


Times are tough. The economy stinks. Maricopa’s growth has virtually stopped. Two retailers that announced their closings in the last two weeks (see stories at https://www.inmaricopa.com/Business/TopStories.aspx) are among dozens of Maricopa businesses that have shut their doors in the last couple years.

During tough economic times, some operators choose not to invest in marketing their business. Others recognize the need to be proactive to increase their customer base and revenue. With the latter sect in mind, inmaricopa.com has developed a Maricopa business “bailout” to help.

The “Bailout Package” offers many substantially discounted advertising packages with Maricopa’s most-read news and information source, inmaricopa.com, and 85239 The Magazine, the only color print publication distributed to every household in the market.

“It is expected that the economy in 2009 will not be any better than this year,” said Scott Bartle, publisher of both publications, “and we’re in a unique position to be able to help our fellow small businesses successfully navigate through this difficult time.”

Robert Kistler, owner of Impressive Imaging, a print and copy center on Honeycutt Road, is among the local business owners who have already signed up for the program. “It’s time,” Kistler said. “We need to get the word out, and 85239 is the best avenue through which to do that. And to be able to have a presence online and an ad in the magazine for less than $200 per month is a great opportunity we’re taking advantage of.”

For more information on the 2009 Maricopa Business Bailout program, visit https://www.inmaricopa.com/Home/Advertising.aspx.

Photo by Scott Bartle