Maricopa Democrats rally for Obama


Local Democrats gathered at Pacana Park on Sunday to create a Call to Action for their candidates, particularly Barack Obama.

Organizers of the event, Marquisha Griffin and Henry Wade, both said that they want to try and create synergy here in Maricopa for Obama and his running mate Joseph Biden.

Griffin said their goal is to “try and light a fire under the party.” They are organizing phone trees and canvassing to get the word out for the last stretch until the November 4 election.

Wade said, “I want people to know that we are here and that they can participate in the process. Maricopa is a unique community because it is pretty informed, and we want to establish positive dialogue here.”

Maricopa Democrats want to get out the word on their candidates. They will set up phone trees at CAC on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. starting Oct. 1 and begin canvassing neighborhoods as well.

When asked about why they support Barack Obama, Griffin said, “He is very poised, has so much integrity and has a level of class that I have never seen in politics.”

Wade said the Democrats have a better message, “We cannot have four more years of the same (policies). We have had enough of the economy and the war. McCain has skewed Barack’s positions. Both have a point of view. We need to be the voice of reason when people say that Barack Obama is not safe or not experienced.”

Local businesswoman, Betty Barone, said she feels “people voting for McCain are voting on a religious base and are not voting on an issue-based one when they should vote on the issues.” She strongly supports Barack Obama and says, “This is the most important election of my life, and I am in my 70s!”

State Representative Ernest Bustamante told the crowd, “This election cycle is very important. Democrats need to gain control of the state senate, and people need to get out and vote.” Bustamante also said he is excited for the Democratic Party’s chances and that it was important to have these get-togethers so that people have a chance to mingle and talk politics.

Ken Edwards, chairman of Maricopa Dems, welcomed attendees and reminded them that it is important for people to get out into the community. He noted that approximately 17,000 people are registered to vote in the Maricopa-Stanfield area. Edwards said, “Seventeen to eighteen percent of voters are registered at an address they don’t live at.”

The last day to register to vote in the upcoming election is Oct. 6.

The group will be available to answer questions at Founders Day but would like to invite people to come to a rally on Oct. 12 at Pacana Park from 2 to 5 p.m. to show their support.

The group will also hold a watch night at the Arena Sports Grill on the night of the election and will continue to hold debate watch nights where people can discuss the debates together.

For more information contact Henry Wade at [email protected].

Photos by Carrie Vargas