Maricopa remembers: local ceremonies honor 9/11 victims and first responders


    Maricopa school children, city officials, police officers and fire fighters gathered Thursday to commemorate the tragedies and acts of heroism that took place on Sept. 11, 2001.

    The message at each event focused on bravery and heroism, the heroes of that fateful day and the bravery of the first responders then and those who keep Maricopans safe today.

    Patriots Day ceremony at Maricopa Elementary:
    Maricopa Elementary School held a ceremony to honor the victims of 9/11 Thursday morning. Among those honored were some of Maricopa’s fire fighters, with acknowledgements to the police and the military.

    Principal Bonnie Gibson welcomed everyone to the ceremony honoring patriots, opening with a David Mahoney quote: “Our heroes are those… who… act above and beyond the call of duty and in so doing give definition to patriotism and elevate all of us…. America is the land of the free because we are the home of the brave.”

    Gibson said, “We want to honor the Police Department and Fire Department who give their lives for us every day.” She and the students gave police and fire fighters a “round of applause,” clapping wildly to show their appreciation. Staff, parents and students then took a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks.

    The group sang “My Country ’tis of Thee” before releasing balloons into the air in remembrance. Claps and cheers from students and staff rose up with the balloons. A banner was unfurled that read, “Everyday Heroes MPD- MFD;” it included the handprints of the kindergarten and first grade students from the school.

    Maricopa Elementary held two additional ceremonies, one for their second and third grade students, followed by one for fourth and fifth graders. Each grade level’s banners are on display on the fences around the school.

    Butterfield 9/11 ceremony brings together city and school:
    The City of Maricopa joined with Butterfield Elementary School to honor the victims of 9/11, the military and the city’s police and fire departments at a special ceremony Thursday morning. Public Safety Director Patrick Melvin welcomed everyone to the ceremony, followed by the Pipe and Drum Brigade of the Maricopa Fire Department carrying in the American flag.

    Vice-Mayor Brent Murphree spoke to the crowd of students in a way they could understand, saying, “We are here to remember the horrible disaster from seven years ago. People pulled together to do really great things. Very bad guys did very bad things, and we can never forget that.” He went on to elicit applause for the military, asking everyone to remember the people who lost their lives and the military that protects us. Praising the police and fire departments, Murphree said, “We have people here in Maricopa that protect us every day”.

    Murphree asked for a moment of silence for the victims of 9/11. At 9:11 a.m. the flag was raised by two Maricopa police officers while the Pipe and Drum Brigade played “America the Beautiful.” Chief Melvin told the students they were part of history. “This is the first flag ever flown here at Butterfield. We’ve (the city) donated it to the school.”

    Principal Kathy Drum expressed the school’s appreciation for both the ceremony and service to the community, as well as the teaching of Citizenship, Respect and Responsibility, which, she said, are some of the “pillars that we are working on every day in school.” She stated she was proud of the students who demonstrated respect for the flag and had a firm display of these pillars.

    Chief Melvin agreed, saying, “These kids are great.” He handed out stickers to students and thanked them as they returned to their classrooms.

    Vice-Mayor Murphree also stayed to talk with the students and shake their hands. “They were wonderful, really great,” he said.

    MOMS Club of Maricopa celebrates police and fire fighters:
    The MOMS Club of Maricopa spent 9/11 thanking the police and fire departments in the Maricopa area. Moms from the Santa Rosa, Maricopa Wells, Santa Cruz and Pima Butte chapters visited the various police and fire stations to present them with baked goods and cards made by the children.

    This event began on the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks when one of the moms suggested they go to the different agencies as a way to show their appreciation for all they do. The MOMS Club has adopted this as an annual activity.

    Approximately 30 mothers visited the Maricopa Police Department, all five Maricopa fire stations, the Ak-Chin fire station and the PCSO substation. Santa Rosa chapter president Amanda Girouard, said, “It is just a way for us to show these men and women that we do appreciate what they do every day for us. I find it a great way to teach my children about ‘true’ heroes.”

    At the Tortosa Fire Station, Girouard along with moms Catharina Wilhelmsen, Stephanie Luedtke and their children presented the fire fighters with cookies and brownies, cards and stickers, and a crayon so the fire fighters could color.

    When Captain Will Sherwood, Engineer Chris Bolinger and fire fighters John Barr and Oseah Davis arrived from being on a call, they brought the children over to the fire truck to let them climb in and check it out. They got to hear the engine start and to see all of the equipment and the lights flashing. Wilhelmsen told her daughter, Emma, “These are firemen, and they keep us safe.”

    As they looked through the cards the children had made, Captain Sherwood asked Bryce, Girouard’s son, “Did you color that? That’s a good job; thank you!” Stephanie Luedtke’s son Ben and Bryce showed the firefighters the goodies they brought. The fire fighters told the children they would leave some for the other crews to have as well, while one fire fighter joked that he could eat it all.

    Captain Sherwood thanked them for coming and reminded the community they are always welcome to visit their local fire stations.

    Photos by Carrie Vargas