No Black Friday lines at city’s major retailers as shoppers tightening belts

It was a normal day of traffic early on Black Friday at Walmart. [Bryan Mordt]

Shoppers evidently are taking a more-austere approach to holiday shopping this year.

No lines were visible outside major retailers across the city shortly after 7 a.m. Friday, a time when crowds were waiting their turn to get in during peak years on Black Friday.

That may have been due in part to increased availability of Black Friday deals online.

A high-inflation economy also may account for it.

Martel Allen of Oasis at the Wells said he is doing “a whole lot less” shopping this year.

“My rent went up,” Allen explained.

Black Friday shoppers at Marshalls could walk right in Friday morning. The scene was repeated at other major retailers in the city. [Bryan Mordt]
Debbie Kelly, a visiting grandmother from California, agreed that she would be spending less this season.

“There’s not as much out there that you need to buy,” Kelly said.

Marti Strong of Alterra said she wasn’t “doing huge shopping.”

Ralph Peebles of Maricopa Meadows was the exception. He said he planned to spend about the same this year as last.

The recent opening of Marshall’s gives Maricopa shoppers one more option for holiday shopping.