Publisher: How lucky we are


Gratitude is a virtue in and of itself.

Scott Bartle writes this month's Publisher's Letter.For those who express it, a world of positivity is unlocked. Life is a lot easier when you’re able to see the glass half full.

As July 4, our nation’s birthday, nears, I was overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude reading this month’s issue of InMaricopa Magazine, and how lucky we are.

It all starts with our cover image, Michael Feigenbaum’s shot of the Milky Way as seen from Hidden Valley, just south of the Box Canyon Shooting Range, that will hopefully one day open.

It’s an image that reminds me of how lucky we are to have access to such beauty. We reached out to several photographers in Maricopa, including Jack Jackson and two of our own photographers, Bryan Mordt and Monica D. Spencer, to get their take on the beauty of our surroundings and their images are striking.

The beauty of our community isn’t limited to its landscapes, however.

A poignant portrait of gratitude was Cameron Jobson’s piece on Mari Leanna Emily, a Maricopa resident of more than a decade who came to America after spending her childhood in a Russian orphanage. She worked hard to overcome a language barrier in a matter of a few years and recently wrote a book offering encouragement to other orphans. She made the most of an opportunity that most orphans rarely get — and she realizes it.

Another part of the patchwork of Maricopan culture is Salty Cocina, the team of Ana Regalado and her husband, Ricardo, who have built a social media empire off Ana’s family recipes. Our own Monica Spencer caught up with the Regalados to learn more about their inspiration and even sat in and watched an episode get filmed.

Millions of people worldwide tune in via TikTok each week to watch Ana as she prepares another authentic Mexican dish in her Maricopa home — another reason to feel a sense of pride about where we live — and gratitude.

And in that spirit, I’d like to thank you for reading our magazine.

The July edition of InMaricopa Magazine is in Maricopa mailboxes and available online.

Scott Bartle
InMaricopa’s publisher began his career in sports marketing, producing and marketing Association of Tennis Professionals Tour events in Indianapolis and Scottsdale. He served as marketing coordinator for the Super Bowl XXX Host Committee prior to joining the Maricopa County Sports Commission where he spent four years as its assistant executive director. Since 2000 Scott has served as president of Outside the Box Marketing, Inc. Scott is former president of the Maricopa Unified School District Governing Board and IU Alumni Club of Phoenix and a member of the Knights of Columbus and Sigma Chi Fraternity. Scott is a graduate of Indiana University, Valley Leadership, Project CENTRL and the Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy. A native Hoosier, Scott has lived in the Phoenix area since 1977 and in Maricopa since 2004.