Maricopa announces plans for industrial park


The city of Maricopa is now accepting Request for Proposals for the master planning of an industrial park. This is another step in the city’s maturation process. Such a facility can have substantial impacts on our local economy — and by and large, these impacts are overwhelmingly positive.

Industrial parks create jobs. Industrial parks typically offer sizable spaces equipped with the infrastructure needed to host a wide range of industry, from manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution to research, cold storage, data storage and more. And such spaces tend to attract large-scale enterprises that — no matter the industry or niche they serve — need a sizable and skilled workforce. Attracting these types of businesses typically represents a big win for the area’s economy and residents, as it creates large numbers of high-paying, career-oriented jobs in the region — a clear key to developing and maintaining a thriving local economy.

Industrial parks improve the tax base. By attracting major industrial players to a region, industrial parks can grow the local tax base exponentially.

Industrial parks promote business diversity in the area. With an industrial park in place, an area has a much better chance of recruiting and placing an array of different industries and businesses — creating the kind of business and industrial diversity that can make a region’s economy much more stable and less prone to collapse should a single industry suffer.

Industrial parks spur business growth in surrounding areas: Because industrial parks tend to attract large-scale businesses with sizable workforces, they also tend to draw new residents into the regions where they land. With more residents in the region, this creates a ripple effect in the local economy by attracting additional businesses to the area to serve the growing population. From services to retail and real estate, all kinds of businesses in the area can benefit from the added people and dollars that industrial parks tend to pull in.

To learn more about this project, contact the City of Maricopa, Office of Economic Vitality.