Architect tries his hand at designing jeans


Architect by day, fashion designer by night, that is the life of Maricopa resident Tomel Griggs.

Griggs, who moved to Maricopa nearly a year ago because of falling home prices, has been designing buildings at the Michael Baker Corporation in Phoenix while pursuing his fashion dreams at night.

“There are a lot of similarities between fashion design and architecture,” Griggs said.

It is those similarities that could bring his dual life to an end.

On Aug. 23 Griggs will launch his new line of jeans called SHO.OFF.

The SHO.OFF jeans line appears to be collection of standard pairs of pants from the knee up. Below the leg joint is where the true fashion action begins.

“The main difference between (most) pairs of jeans is the tag on the back and the stitches, nothing really sets them apart. That’s not the case with my brand,” Griggs said.

His women’s designs call for a flaring of the bottom that allows the wearer to show off her shoes.

The flare appears as a v-cut in the front of the jean with the bottoms of some of the designs including trim in lace or fur.

Griggs said he came up with the name for his brand because it allows the wearer to show off his or her shoes.

Griggs is currently working on contracts with distribution companies and manufacturers.

“I need to be able to produce at least 200,000 pairs of jeans before I can do the release,” Griggs said.

Because of the manufacturing demands, Griggs is looking at companies in Mexico, China and the United States.

“If the cost does not allow, I may not be able to keep manufacturing in the U.S.,” he said.

Griggs said he is working on distribution contracts with Wal-Mart, Costco and a couple of western clothing outlets.

“The great thing about my brand is that there is a design to appeal to all types,” Griggs said.

However, long before the distribution contracts and the deals with manufacturers came his desire to enter the fashion industry.

“I got my idea from teenagers,” Griggs said.

He would see teenagers walking around with their pants sagging and envision ways he could maintain the look they like and get rid of the sloppiness.

He said that he believes with this line of jeans he has done just that.

“All the models I have shown them to, and everyone who has seen them, can’t wait ’til they can buy a pair,” Griggs said.

For more information visit Griggs’ Web site at

Photo courtesy of Tomel Griggs