Christmas Eve wishes from Maricopa kids


‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through Maricopa, not a creature was stirring…except for the children. Nestled snug in their beds, they lie in wait for what the morning will bring.

Every child in Maricopa who celebrates Christmas has a different idea of what the best part of the holiday is, and each of them knows exactly what they want from Santa Claus this year.

Annie Jamieson. (photo courtesy of Amy Jamieson)

Three-year-old Ann Jamieson says her favorite part of Christmas is “putting the presents under the tree.” What would she like from Santa? “Hmm,” she says, scratching her head, “I want a Doodle Bear. Yep, that’s what I want!”

Pryce Holmes.

Pryce Holmes proudly shows off the letter he received from Santa this year. “Santa says he’s coming to Maricopa first,” the five year old announces. “I would like a remote control car like in ‘Home Alone 3’.” Mom, Candace, says that since Pryce and brother Jordan have been so good at keeping their room clean, Santa will surely be stopping by their house. Pryce loves putting ornaments on the Christmas tree, especially his favorite ornament, SpongeBob.

Jake Cannon.

When asked if he was good this year, five-year-old Jake Cannon replies “I was a lot good!” So good, in fact, he is certain he will receive “no black rocks from Santa this year.” Instead, he has asked for an XBox and a kit to make his own Star Wars light saber. Jake says Christmas is special because “it’s baby Jesus’s birthday.” He also loves “spending time with family,” but he says the best part by far is “getting presents!”

Kirsten Molus.

Christmas may have a little different meaning for the older kids. Kirsten Molus, who just celebrated her twelfth birthday, says the best part of Christmas is “seeing family.” She hopes to find money in her stocking, along with “clothes and shoes” under the tree. “I’d like music, too; rap and hip-hop, no country,” she specifies. Santa, take note.