Readers say council right to cut off chamber funding


Seventy-five percent of 235 readers responding to a question on whether the City Council was right to cut off Chamber of Commerce funding after this fiscal year said “Yes.”

Most of those – 59 percent or 138 respondents – answered: “Yes, about time,” while 16 percent, or 38 readers answered: “Yes, the timing is right.”

The council voted March 5 to honor the current agreement through the fiscal year ending June 30 – it could have given the chamber 30 days notice and not paid out the remainder of the $40,000 it has annually been funding the chamber for nearly seven years – but then to sever funding.

Fifteen respondents, or 6 percent, said the city should support the business community and not cut the funding. Another 8 percent, or 19 readers, said the city should give the chamber more time to become self sufficient.

Nineteen respondents, or 8 percent, said they weren’t sure about the council decision and six readers, or 3 percent, didn’t care.