City Manager Kevin Evans decides to depart


    In a dramatic development, the Maricopa City Council unanimously voted last night to grant City Manager Kevin Evans the severance agreement he requested.

    The first hint of a change in top city leadership came suddenly on Tuesday evening, when City Clerk Vanessa Bueras sent out the agenda for a special city council meeting at 6 p.m. yesterday, Wednesday, Sept. 29. The agenda listed consideration of Evans’ severance package as a prominent item.

    “We were looking a couple months ago at possibly extending my contract for another two years,” Evans said, addressing the city council at the meeting on Wednesday. “But after talking to family, and trusted advisors of 30 years and praying I concluded it was best to let my contract lapse.”

    While Evans said he still has a passion to serve the city of Maricopa and its residents, he added that his family is in Texas and he couldn’t resist the pull back to his home state.

    “We have gotten an enormous amount of things done in the past three years. I am very proud of that. I am not proud for myself but for the council and the staff and the community,” Evans told the Council.

    Under the severance agreement, Evans will stay in position as city manager until a replacement is found, he finds another job or until January 21.

    “I am sure the city will bring in a very qualified candidate, there is a large pool of city manager candidates available,” he said.

    On January 21 or earlier if a new manager is hired, Evans and the city will part and he will receive severance pay granting him up to a year’s salary, accrued sick and vacation time and 12 months of city benefits.

    Evans makes $156,950 a year and his severance package will grant him that same salary paid biweekly until he finds a job paying a minimum of 80 percent of his previous pay, or until 12 months have elapsed.

    “The way the severance is set up is to save the city money, I will do everything in my power to find a new position as soon as possible, but these things can often take up to eight months,” Evans said. He added that he already has “several irons in the fire – people I am looking at who are looking at me.”

    Mayor Anthony Smith and Vice-Mayor Edward Farrell were among those who commended Evans for his service to the city, citing his “experience, wisdom and knowledge.”

    “When Kevin Evans first arrived this city was just a baby learning to crawl, and while we may not be running yet we are certainly walking now, thanks to him,” said Farrell. “It has been an honor to work with such a highly qualified and experienced city manger.”

    “We have grown as a council and a community because of you,” Smith said.

    A long line of community members were waiting to shake hands with Evans and wish him well after the council adjourned.

    In addition to approving the severance agreement council also voted to hire a bus company to operate their commuter and circulator services.

    Look for more information on this story tomorrow.