Cyclists wanted for three-day charity ride to Rocky Point


Have you ever wanted to do something to help people in need, to really make a difference? Have you ever wanted to challenge yourself physically? Now is your chance. You can do both at the same time with the Phoenix to Rocky Point cycling ride.

The three- day ride from Phoenix to Rocky Point, Mexico, will benefit Weekend Missions and the people of Rocky Point. This can be a great opportunity for people who have been looking to make a difference in people’s lives but are unsure of how to get started.

The trip should prove to be a wonderful experience, riding through the beautiful Arizona and Mexican deserts while making some new, good friends along the way.

If you are a cycling enthusiast and have been looking to complete a long, multi-day ride while raising money for a great cause, this event is for you.  

The group will leave the south side of Phoenix on Wednesday, Dec. 1 and arrive in Rocky Point, Mexico, on Friday afternoon, December 3. There will be two overnights where the group will camp underneath the stars in tents with needed supplies. There will be lead and following cars escorting the trip, providing all needed resources and supplies, while ensuring safety and security along the way.

The total distance for the ride is 212 miles, which will be broken down into three rides as follows:
Phoenix – Gila Bend (74 miles)
Gila Bend –U.S. border (76 miles)         
U.S. Border – Rocky Point (62 miles)     

The goal is for each rider to secure sponsors on a mileage basis in order to raise a group total of approximately $2,500 for this worthy cause.

This will be an incredible opportunity to benefit people who have so little in their lives and are in great need of help. It is a real opportunity to make a difference together.

If you would like more information about this ride, please call Brian Wright at 480-319-3862 or e-mail Brian at [email protected]. You can also call the Weekend Missions office at 480-478-4059.

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