Profile: Dr. Ehfad Shah, Cobblestone Dental Center


Dr. Ehfad Shah
Cobblestone Dental Center


First job: Cashier at Sears Automotive

Favorite job: Dentist

Why dentistry? I love the interaction with people and improving people’s health and confidence in their appearance.

Why Maricopa? I like the small town atmosphere and that it’s still close enough to the city.

When did you open? 2006

What differentiates Cobblestone Dental from its competition? Our high level of service, dependability and integrity.

What is greatest challenge as a Maricopa business owner? Finding staff who don’t move out of town and then find a new job.

Greatest opportunity? The opportunity getting into dental school provided me.


Family: Wife, 6-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son

Hometown: Philadelphia

Current residence: Phoenix

Education: BS from La Salle University, Temple University Dental School

Hobbies: Cycling, skiing

Car: Nissan Pathfinder

Currently reading: the triple package 

Dream dinner companions (table for 4): Arthur Ashe, Nelson Mandela, Muhammad Ali, Bono

I wish I was … a double-black diamond skier.

I’m most thankful for … my wife and kids.


Food: Pizza

Beverage: Root beer

Room in your house: The backyard

Musician: U2

Movie: “The Shawshank Redemption”

TV show: “Breaking Bad”

TV channel: HBO

Sport: Football and basketball

Team: Dallas Cowboys