DUI task force busy over the holidays


Christmas bulbs were not the only lights flashing in the streets of Maricopa for three days over the holidays. The Pinal County Sheriff’s Office DUI task force stopped 285 vehicles and handed out 35 citations in the city.

“It was a very successful event,” said Maricopa Police spokesman Sgt. Stephen Judd.

Officers from every municipality in Pinal County took part in the crackdown, which was in effect from the Thanksgiving weekend until New Year’s Day.

In Maricopa, the force put an additional 12 officers on the roadways Dec. 18, 19 and 30 between the hours of 7 p.m. and 3 a.m.

Judd said the goal of the task force was to make as many stops as possible, informing the public about possible problems with their vehicles and making the roadways safer for all the residents of the city.

Of the 35 citations issued in Maricopa, 18 were for driving under the influence while the remaining tickets were for narcotics, criminal traffic citations and warrants.

While the task force has wrapped up for the holiday season, Judd said officers will continue to patrol the streets looking for drunk drivers.

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