Firefighters endorse Kimball, Marchione for council


The Professional Fire Fighters of Arizona is endorsing the Bridger Kimball and Alan Marchione for Maricopa City Council.

The Committee to Elect Bridger Kimball to City Council is proud to announce that Bridger Kimball has received the endorsement of the Professional Fire Fighters of Arizona. Bridger is very humbled by this prestigious honor and will respectfully uphold his voice for the proud men and women of PFFA. It is all too often that we forget that these men and women are on call 24/7 and put their lives at risk every day. On March 9th raise your voice as the 6,000 men and woman of the PFFA have and vote Bridger Kimball for City Council.

Sincerely, The Committee to Elect Bridger Kimball To City Council

Dear Involved Citizens, The “Marchione for Council” committee is proud to announce that Alan Marchione has received the endorsement of the Professional Fire Fighters of Arizona. The PFFA represents over 6,000 Professional Fire Fighters and E.M.S. providers throughout Arizona. Alan is personally humbled, and thankful, for the support of the PFFA. “All too often, we don’t stop to appreciate that no matter when you dial 911, someone is going to come. Somewhere there is a Fire Fighter on duty, willing and able to put themselves at risk to help another.”

Alan Marchione  www.marchione

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