Column: Play atmosphere unleashes passion, creativity


Creating an atmosphere of play in your workplace is a great way to promote teamwork, collaboration and assure job security.

Can you recall as a child a favorite activity you used to enjoy? A time when you were so involved with play you lost track of time, followed your own rules and felt uninhibited? This type of play can still happens today as an adult or employee.

Contrary to the previous cliché you should be all work and all play, times have evolved to where work environments now thrive with employees using their creativity and imagination to become more motivated and happy at work.

The great thing about play is for decades researchers have shown that play helps creates imagination and productivity in adults. When you like being some place that is fun, you are naturally going to feel happy/healthier and more motivated than you would if you were surrounded by friction.

The World Health Organization research concluded that U.S. companies spend upwards of $300 billion annually in relation to stressful work environments.

Imagine working at a job that has a black cloud looming over each employee. This environment will eventually lead to disgruntled employees, employees waiting to find something better and diminished motivation leading to lack of productivity.

The simple fact of having a “play” atmosphere initiated in your office is going to pay for itself 10 times over. Your employees will make your company more profitable with a play revolution.

If you have not thought of how to create a playful environment there are plenty of examples. Putting a plan in place to incorporate a playful atmosphere is crucial for a thriving business.

Try some of the following simple yet strategic ways to build comradery, productivity and an awesome workplace atmosphere. You will begin to notice a new sense of appreciation for your company if there is an attitude of play and employee engagement.

Team Building —Movie night for your team is a very popular way to build trust and friendship in the work place.

Excitement —Create a “Congo” line around the office. Can you imagine people dancing to Gloria Estefan?  

Entertainment —Whipped cream in tin pans for managers in the courtyard. A good old fashion pie fight. Your employees will love it and they may even like to join in.

The two-hour lunch.Your employees will appreciate the two-hour lunch; this helps people to feel refreshed. You can even have this twice per month.

Break Room —Foosball, ping pong, pool or catered luncheons for the employees. (Clients wanting your business love sponsoring these events.)

Games —Creating employee involvement outside of work via softball, bowling, paintball, marathons or laser tag. A great way to promote health and fun with fitness!

Hire a masseuse —Bringing in a 15-minute massage is a sure way to help people relax and bring some balance to their day. Corporate chair massages are an awesome way to promote balance.