Local pet rescue to hold benefit fundraiser


Pet Social Worker, a local Maricopa animal rescue and lost and found website has partnered with Brooklyn Boys Pizzeria and Restaurant to raise funds for the medical care of local rescued animals. On Monday, Dec. 8, from 4 to 9 p.m. Brooklyn Boys will donate 20 percent of their sales to Pet Social Worker. In addition, Brooklyn Boys will be offering three specials to guests that come in for the fundraiser.

“It is great that Brooklyn Boys has offered to do this for the abandoned and unwanted pets of Maricopa. By allowing us to have the fundraiser in their restaurant, they are helping to raise awareness of this problem in our city” stated Kimberly Diedrich, who operates the rescue and its website, PetSocialWorker.org.

Founded in 2004, Pet Social Worker has saved more than 500 dogs and cats in the Maricopa area. Through community involvement, exposure on local website blogs and forums, working in concert with other rescues and grassroots word of mouth, Pet Social Worker has established a local presence for both the rescue of animals and helping to reconnect lost and found pets with their owners. Pet Social Worker also partners with local media, publishing “Tails of Hope” in local newspapers and on websites to get the word out. Pet Social Worker uses 100 percent of all funds raised for the feeding, housing, care, spay, neuter and other veterinarian services needed for these loving animals.

For more information regarding the fundraiser event or other ways you can help Pet Social Worker, please contact Kimberly Diedrich at (480) 452-7997 or by email at [email protected].

Photo courtesy of Pet Social Worker