Maricopa author hopes book will help people cope with hard times


Maricopa resident Norma J. Washington is hoping her experiences in life can help show the world that even when the chips are down, not all is lost. She conveys this message through her newly released book “Saturday Morning Sisterhood.”

The book weaves heartwarming stories of women she’s met along her journey to Maricopa from Wisconsin, describing how she relied on God and was able to handle a painful time of transition.

“It is an incredible example of how God can use our trials and pain to bring him glory; this book serves as a reminder to women everywhere to persevere,” Washington said.

She said that she decided to write the book as a means of helping people cope with the hard times they face. The book is Washington’s first foray into the literary world, but it is not her first experience in helping to motivate people through hard times in life. She has more than 15 years of experience working with women in transition along with being a motivational speaker.

Her husband, Ben Washington, is the pastor of Walk by Faith Empowerment Center in Maricopa.

Washington is already fast at work on her second book, which she said would deal with how to get a new beginning on life.

“Saturday Morning Sisterhood” may be purchased online at or in Maricopa at the following locations:

Mail & Copy Plus
20928 N. John Wayne Parkway, C-13

Secondhand Pages Bookstore
44480 W. Honeycutt Road, Suite 106

“So far the book has been well received, and I just hope it can help people out,” Washington said.

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