Mobile third graders raise money for Maricopa Rotary Club’s Shoebox Project


“Necessity is the mother of invention” is a moral attributed to the Greek fablist Aesop. If you are a third grader and want to help your friend with a special project, it’s necessary to raise some funds. However, there aren’t too many jobs out there when you’re 9 or 10 years old.

Mobile Elementary School students Kate Faulfred and Teddy Le Mieux wanted to help their friend and fellow student Lonnie Waite raise money for the Maricopa Rotary Club’s Shoebox Project. The shoeboxes, filled with school supplies, a toy and some clothing items go to needy children south of the border. Lonnie has helped with the project for the past two years.

Raising money to help out their friend required both invention and innovation on the part of these third graders. Faulfed and Le Mieux started folded paper into origami shapes and selling them at recess.

The children’s teacher Mrs. Costales learned about their efforts and contacted Rotarians, who invited the three children to be at the April 14 Community Support Day at Rotary Park to sell their origami. They raised $71 that day, which they presented to the Maricopa Rotary Club Monday.

According to Rotarian Karen Friess, who expressed the club’s thanks to the children and their parents, “These kids are making a great contribution to our community at a very young age.”

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