MPD offers rechargeable batteries disposal


Rechargeable batteries are used by many residents in flashlights, cell phones and other electronic devices. If you need to dispose of any rechargeable batteries, the Maricopa Police Department is now a drop-off location.

The following batteries may be dropped off:

Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd)
Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH)
Lithium Ion (Li-ion)
Nickel Zinc (Ni-Zn)
Small sealed lead (Pb)

By recycling the above items, you are helping to keep heavy metals out of landfills and helping the environment. For more information on this program, contact Cathy Colbert at (520) 316-6868.

Note: alkaline or lithium batteries and cordless phones are not accepted at this time.

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