MPD seeks victim assistance volunteers


Maricopa Police Department is looking for compassionate individuals who are interested in becoming Victim Assistance volunteers.

Victim’s Assistance Coordinator Jerry Good has been with MPD in the police services division for approximately a year. He has been working towards creating a fully functioning Victims Assistance Provider program.

Good said, “I’ve been through many different programs around the country, including Dallas, Texas, and the National Organization for Victim’s Assistance to be a certified instructor.” To that end, he held his first Maricopa academy of nine participants who graduated on May 30 (see photo).

The Victims Assistance Providers will respond to a variety of police calls and are readily available to the community 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They will be called to many different incidents such as robbery, sexual assault, domestic violence and death investigations.

Maricopa Police Department Spokesperson Sgt. Stephen Judd said, “Victim’s Assistance can provide direction and comfort immediately. They provide resources that can be lasting.”

“We will work with victims all the way through adjudication,” said Good.

To be eligible for the victim’s assistance program you must be available to be on call at least twice a month, be a legal adult (21 or over), have a high school diploma or GED, a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and be able to successfully pass a background check and drug screen. It is also recommended that you reside in Maricopa.

“Thirty plus hours of training will be given prior to official entrance into the field, as well as ongoing training,” said Good. Due to the sensitive nature of violent crimes, individuals applying should be able to cope with stressful and emotional situations.

Judd said that volunteers should be able to respond to calls in 15-20 minutes.

For more information, contact Good at 520-316-6882 or email him at [email protected].

Photo: Back row (from left): Christian Vetsch, VAP Coordinator Jerry Good, Al Suckerman, Rebecca Collins, Janeen Neal. Front row (from left): Tracey McAtee, Wendy Driggers, Patsy Good, Sharron Ink, Renate Chamberlin

Submitted photo