Slim Chickens - Search results

Restaurants coming to Maricopa this year and beyond

Champing at the bit for more places in town to sit down and have a bite to eat? Your patience will be rewarded this...

2021 was a good year for restaurant construction

Champing at the bit for more places in town to sit down and have a bite to eat? Your patience will be rewarded this...
Slim Chickens chicken tenders

New chicken restaurant could be on horizon

Maricopans hungering for a chicken restaurant should not lose faith. Tom Barnett certainly hasn’t. Barnett, the owner of both the current Burger King in town...
APEX Tom Barnett

APEX drives growth in Maricopa economy

There is no doubt the 250 or so members paying $50,000-plus to gain entry to the exclusive APEX Motor Club on the outskirts of...
Slim Chickens chicken tenders

Chicken restaurant pecks around for Maricopa location

A new fast-casual restaurant chain is looking for a place to build in Maricopa. Tom Barnett, owner of the Burger King franchise in town, has...
Spangled in unearned medallions, Zinnerman beams. [submitted]

The Marine maker

Editor's note: Since the publication of this story, new facts have come to light regarding the legitimacy of Billy Zinnerman's record in the U.S....