Supervisor Snider holding Maricopa office hours Tuesday


Board of Supervisors Chairman David Snider will be holding his monthly Maricopa office hours on Tuesday, Feb. 2. The chairman will be at the Maricopa Interim City Hall, located at 45145 West Madison Ave., from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.
“There is a lot going on at the state and national level that affects both the county and the city of Maricopa,” Snider said. “For starters, the legislature is back in session, which is always a very interesting process when you have an economy that is struggling to get back on its feet. Everyone from Mayor Anthony Smith to the supervisors is watching what is happening in Phoenix and crossing our fingers that the governor and the legislature will find ways to help us and the state recover.”
Snider will be happy to meet personally with residents and discuss anything that is on their minds about county business or issues.

If you would like to schedule a time to visit during his office hours in Maricopa, you can call Snider’s office at 520-836-0003 – otherwise it is first-come, first-served.
“The county is pleased to have a partner like the city of Maricopa,” Snider said. “We are always looking for new ways to help out our residents in the western part of Pinal County. These office hours go a long way to bringing even more services to the people in this area. I appreciate the city’s help and offering of space to meet with constituents.”

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