Zoning board talks cell tower, massage parlors

Planning Manager Rick Williams said mandating HOAs clean up landscaping was included in the previous ordinance but “for some reason was omitted.” [Monica D. Spencer]

Public hearings at the Planning and Zoning Commission’s Monday meeting centered on a cell phone tower, massage parlors and HOA responsibilities. 

Here’s what you need to know. 

Cobblestone Farms tower renewal 

Following a brief public hearing, commissioners approved renewing a conditional use permit request for an existing stealth cell tower on the northwest boundary of Cobblestone Farms. 

The city council previously approved a permit for the 59-foot-tall Verizon tower in October 2011, but it has since expired.  

While letters were sent twice in March regarding a neighborhood meeting held April 3, no members of the public attended, according to the citizen participation report. The only comment came from one resident regarding dust kicked up from the dirt access road, but this appeared to come from farmers using the road instead of tower maintenance workers.  

Code text amendments 

Commissioners also approved tweaking some city code text for massage parlors and landscaping responsibilities.  

This included exempting home-based massage establishments from commercial sign requirements and allowing living quarters on the premises.  

The amendments also clarified the city is responsible for maintaining landscape in roadway medians, but homeowners should take responsibility for maintenance immediately adjacent to their property.  

The amendments indicated homeowner associations or property owners are responsible for replacing dead, dying or damaged landscaping within three months of notice from the city. Planning Manager Rick Williams said this information was included in the previous ordinance but “for some reason was omitted.” 

Again, city staff did not receive any public comments prior to the meeting and no one spoke during the public hearing.  

Maricopa Stonegate tabled 

Although it was on the agenda last week, an update on the major development review permit for the Maricopa Stonegate multifamily homes was not present on the agenda and was not discussed.