10 percent by 2010 – support MUSD in this achievable goal


Dear Editor:

The latest headlines states, “School board may re-assign Flores as Santa Cruz principal.” This is WRONG! We need Dr. Flores. If I stood quiet, I would be wrong, too.

It was announced in the board meeting on Aug. 12 the district’s goal of 10 percent by 2010. That means an increase in student achievement. MUSD leadership, both administrators and board members, made that goal together. Dr. Flores wholeheartedly supported that decision.

During tough economic times, it doesn’t make sense to spend district money paying a principal a superintendent’s salary, which could pay for two teachers, and then pay a new superintendent a similar salary when good progress is being made.

Dr. Flores has a leadership style that is quiet and steady. It is a type that few have, and one that some do not understand nor appreciate, but it is working in this district. Is he perfect? No. And neither are any of us, but, under his leadership, this district is going the right direction – UP!

We as a district, educators and parents have wanted to raise the bar in Maricopa Unified School District. It is and has been being done for three years under the leadership of Dr. Flores, step by step.

Under Dr. John Flores’s leadership the follow has occurred:
· Promoted a workplace of trust and working together
· Implemented School Improvement Plans
· Started an Academic League (one of two in the country)
· Saved the district over $5 million on the water distribution facility on the high school campus
· Implementation of an outstanding Safety Plan
· Schools are now Performing Plus
· Built beautiful and functional schools
· State-of-the-art functional district/community facility, including maintenance and transportation
· Academic Hall of Fame
· Laying a foundation of entrepreneurship for students at the high school level where students will learn the basic application of retail business; examples: Full capacity Graphic Arts Center and a proposed Future Business Marketing educational facility for the Lakes Property
· Stabilized the district during a state mandated over $3 million deficit
· And there are many more!

If members of board had allowed Dr. Flores to do his job back in 2007, we wouldn’t be having headlines like “Maricopa Wells fails AYP.” Now if members of the board would let him do his job we can continue on the road of excellence as a “unified” school district.

More than ever this district needs stability. So much has been done, and we all recognize there is more to do, but excellence is just around the corner. Stability, being financially wise and looking towards the goal, is what is going to get us there.

Demoting Dr. Flores I believe is wrong and a way that some board members may think will solve all the district’s challenges. In my mind, it is a way to get him to resign even though I think he would enjoy working with the students and their parents more directly than having to deal with day-to-day micromanaging and disrespect from some board members, dealing with the political harshness that comes as a result and constant cleanup of negative, time-consuming, incorrect information.

Please come to the MUSD special School Board Meeting on Monday, Aug. 17 at 6 p.m. at e Maricopa High School. Please come and support the great things being done under a man who is good for students and our community.


Margaret Noble Jackson (mother of six and someone who has been actively tracking district progress for 10 years!)

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