Escaping domestic abuse: Resources, support available in Maricopa

Maricopa City Councilman Vincent Manfredi: "Help is available, and hope is attainable" in the face of domestic violence.


To the editor, 

In the painful and often secretive world of domestic violence, knowing where to turn can mean the difference between suffering in silence and finding the support needed to break free. For those in Maricopa facing this devastating situation, there are several resources available. 

Immediate help 

In an emergency, the Maricopa Police Department is ready to respond. Dial 9-1-1 for immediate assistance or reach out to the Non-Emergency Dispatch line at 520-568-3673. 

National hotline 

The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides support and guidance 24/7. Call 800-799-SAFE (7233) to speak to a trained advocate who can offer confidential assistance. 

Local organizations offer aid 

In Maricopa, there are several organizations dedicated to supporting those affected by domestic abuse: 

  • Arizona Coalition to End Sexual & Domestic Violence: 602-279-2980 
  • Hope Women’s Center: 520-568-0532 
  • Against Abuse, Inc.: 520-836-0858 

Taking the first step 

Leaving an abusive situation is an enormous step, often fraught with fear and uncertainty. But help is available. It starts with reaching out to one of the resources listed here. 

Whether it’s a confidential conversation with a hotline advocate or seeking refuge in a local shelter, there are caring professionals ready to help. Their priority is your safety, and they can provide the assistance and guidance needed to move toward a future free from violence. 

No one should endure domestic abuse alone. Community groups in Maricopa offer resources designed to support those in need. If you or someone you know is facing this painful reality, don’t hesitate to reach out to these organizations. Help is available, and hope is attainable. 


Vincent Manfredi 

Maricopa City Council member 

Vincent Manfredi is a co-owner of InMaricopa.