Diedrich: What is Gusse capable of?

Carl Diedrich

By Carl Diedrich


On May 29, 2014, I put myself forward to fill an open seat on the Maricopa City Council. During that meeting I was attacked by Julia Gusse, who sat on City Council, to the point she berated me in front of my family, including my 10-year-old son.


On that day I chose not to respond to the attacks. It would have served no purpose to fight back against the spite she directed at me. She was leaving council soon enough, and nobody would have benefitted from me responding.


When I found out she was running for City Council during this election cycle I thought long and hard about whether or not to discuss the event publicly. I decided that for the good of the community it was important for me to end my silence and let people know who Ms. Gusse really is.


I think voters should understand how her actions affect her ability to serve in an unbiased, effective manner. On the eve of this current election you should know the things about a candidate that they will never tell you.


Ms. Gusse loves to talk about her service in the Air Force. She swore an oath and committed to live by a set of values while in the Air Force. That code includes “Integrity First, Service before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.”


I applaud those who serve our country. My debt of gratitude is enormous. I don’t, however, applaud someone who wears it like an entitlement badge while completely ignoring the principles they committed to uphold. It is a slap in the face to all those who serve and have served selflessly.


To quote passages from those commitments for service in the Air Force:


“Integrity First – Integrity is the ability to hold together and properly regulate all of the elements of a personality. … A person of integrity can control impulses and appetites.”


“Service Before Self – Discipline and self-control. Professionals cannot indulge themselves in self-pity, discouragement, anger, frustration, or defeatism. They have a fundamental moral obligation to the persons they lead to strike a tone of confidence and forward-looking optimism.”


“Excellence in All We Do – Mutual respect. Genuine respect involves viewing another person as an individual of fundamental worth.”


I am not a perfect person, in fact far from it. I am not asking that Ms. Gusse extend any of those values in her dealings with me.


My son, on the other hand, deserved more. As he sat and watched me getting attacked, I could only imagine how horrible it was for him to listen to what Ms. Gusse was doing.


Ms. Gusse could not control herself. Her personal hatred took over. She lacked the ability to look beyond her own self-important rant and see that my son was sitting in the audience watching. She discarded my “fundamental worth” to him.


The city council found her actions to be so egregious that she became the first and only member of the Maricopa City Council to ever be found guilty of violating the City Council Code of Ethics for her display that day.


Fast forward to July 25, 2016. Ms. Gusse was participating in a candidate forum for city council candidates. Each candidate was asked about conflict in the community and their ability to work with council to solve the conflict. Her self-serving comment was ironic.


Ms. Gusse complained that people attack her in social media posts. But, she said, she could take it and brush it off, but consider how it must be for her children to see these things.


Of course, she doesn’t hold herself to the same standard as she berated me in front of my 10-year-old.  I can brush it off too, but when he asked me “how come she said those things about you?” my heart sunk.


If she is capable of attacking a resident while his child is sitting and listening, ask yourself what other angry, destructive things is she capable of?

Carl Diedrich is a Maricopa resident.




  1. This is a terrible statement. It sounds to me like you have a vendetta against Mrs Gusse and that tells our community what kind of person you are sir. Some times issues are left alone for the benefit of the community.
    The community does not need to hear this. You are wrong sir and out of line with this sort of statement! If I may suggest sir you refrain from this type of argument. This is not for the betterment of the citizens of Maricopa.

  2. I was not at that meeting so I cannot comment on that. I do remember that at this time, Julia was standing up against some wrongdoing and was standing pretty much alone. She was vocal about things she saw that were not right. I do not know for sure if this was the same issue.

    However I have worked with Julia Gusse on many community projects over the last few years. Julia stands up for what she believes in, for what is right. Always. And she can be forceful about it. Personally that is the kind of person I want as an official.

  3. So you have waited 2 years to end your so-called silence? You've chosen to berate her now, in a public forum where her children can see it…just as you claim that she has done to you. Does this make you feel better?

    You've also chosen to attack her for proclaiming that she is a Veteran, shame on you. Julia Gusse has served our country and is proud of that. Aren't you? She has tirelessly worked to help any Veteran with anything that they may need, any time of the day or night. Julia is a kind, compassionate and hard-working person. She is capable of bringing great things to Maricopa. That's what she's capable of. How about you?

    Your entire "article" comes across as whiny and vindictive. I have no personal knowledge of your trials and tribulations that you claim to have with Julia. I speak from personal experience. She's a wonderful woman. Those of us that really know Julia and/or have worked with her know better. You sir, could learn from her.

    Finally, thank you for your service to our great country.

  4. I am so very excited that Julia Gusse wants to represent on the Maricopa City Council. What I love about Julia is her love for the community in an all inclusive way. She is always offering her support on a broad spectrum of issues and even events. In a time were there is so much divide Julia is able to represent a diversity of issues because she herself has had a life time of diverse experience. This important aspect causes her to see all people, all challenges with a personal connection and compassion. What saddens me is that when women stand up for themselves they are perceived as mean or evil. This is not the case for men. We are still in a time where people operate and make decisions based on perception and not facts.

  5. Although Carl is not my favorite person, I fully agree with him that Gusse is totally UNFIT to represent the citizens of Maricopa. Check her past record of attacks on other members & candidates for city council. A person with that much hate has no business being in our lives.