Behnke: Youth alcohol consumption down; coalition seeks volunteers to continue trend

Priscilla Behnke.

By Priscilla Behnke

The Arizona Youth Survey recently released its findings on statewide teen substance abuse.

There is good news. Youth drug and alcohol use is down statewide. Maricopa is seeing its own downward trends. In 2006 the local 30-day use numbers for alcohol by eighth, 10th and 12th graders were 25 percent. The 2016 report shows only 17 percent reported alcohol use in the previous month.

This is the result of hard work by countless individuals and partnering organizations who have made prevention a priority here in Maricopa. It took people willing to roll up their sleeves, go out of their way, hold their ground and change the hearts and minds of youth – youth who are facing decisions that can have repercussions that will cost them, their friends, families and our community.

Just over two years ago a band of 12 teens and four staff from the Maricopa Youth Recreation Center set out to form the Be Awesome Youth Coalition. They recognized real community-wide prevention efforts would take the collaboration of many.

There is a place for you at the table. Come, help us strengthen what’s working, bring creative solutions we haven’t yet realized, and develop the capacity to carry out strategies we are only dreaming about right now. We want to see the 17 percent number drop and ensure our teens aren’t substituting alcohol with marijuana; that our youth continue to Be Awesome.

Our general meetings are open to the public and are every third Saturday at 10 a.m. at our main office in Maricopa Elementary School. Can’t make it to a meeting? No problem. Like, follow and share us on Facebook and email me so I can send you updates. Both methods will keep you posted on upcoming events and areas where we will need your input or help. Look forward to seeing you at the next Be Awesome meeting!

Priscilla Benhke is program director for Maricopa CAASA and Be Awesome Coalition., [email protected]

This column appears in the April issue of InMaricopa.