Wade: Man’s inhumanity to man is really getting old


As much as I have tried to be reflective without comment about a number of issues, I cannot allow the tragedy at Emanuel AME Church (Mother Emanuel) to go by without expressing my distain for this cowardly act of domestic terrorism, especially, since I have been an AME church member myself since 1987.

The senseless killing of nine innocent parishioners at a traditional Wednesday night worship service by a budding racist is unbelievable. The fact that this deranged person actually sat next to his intended victim for an hour, and then rose to murder him in cold blood while espousing some twisted sense of entitlement is nothing short of evil.

There is no doubt that we live in the greatest nation on earth and have thus been bestowed with wonderful gifts. Among those gifts is the ability to exercise our God-given free will. But when does it become obvious that some people are just unable to handle these gifts and instead choose to pervert their benefits. On the other hand, I applaud those citizens, regardless of the communities they represent, who have in the past and even last night come together to call for calm and peace in the face of yet another attack on their fellow Americans.

When do we say, "enough is enough"?  It is paramount to teach all Americans that all men are created equal and that there is one country which belongs to us all. That you don’t get to choose who lives in America, God has done that. That because you are old enough to buy alcohol, you can’t drive drunk on our streets and that, just because you can buy a gun, you can’t just walk into a place of worship and kill people because of the level of melanin in their skin. Enough is enough because; Man’s inhumanity to man is really getting old!