‘Hot’ take on beating muscle cramps

Calf pain

Don’t let cramping cramp your style.

As Arizona’s summer temperatures continue to reach record-breaking highs, I have seen many patients complain of increased cramping. They all have the same question: Why?
Cramping is very common — especially here in the sunny southwest — and it happens for several reasons. But perhaps the most common reason is dehydration.

Drink water! Avoid drinks high in caffeine and other dehydrating chemicals. Opt for low-calorie sports drinks and electrolyte replacement supplements to maintain balance. Sodium, magnesium and potassium also prevent cramping.

If you are staying hydrated and still suffering from cramps, it could be due to other medical conditions: poor blood flow, poor diet, back problems or injuries, high stress, overuse and muscle fatigue, kidney or thyroid disorders, diabetes, pregnancy, and medication side effects.

So, if your cramping won’t go away, let us help you figure out the “Why?” and get you feeling better!

If your loved one is suffering from cramping, give us a call. Maricopa Foot and Ankle Center is open daily. We often accommodate same-day appointments.


This sponsored content was first published in the September edition of InMaricopa Magazine.