Amazing duo brings joy to elementary students


“We were brought a little girl who was suffering emotionally, and who was very withdrawn,” said Dr. Ember Conley, principal of Butterfield Elementary School. “We were just trying everything to reach out to her to try to get her to open up and feel safe, but nothing was working. Then one day Zoey walked into the room, and it was this instant connection that changed everything.”

Zoey is a specially trained dog from Keystone Pet Enhanced Therapy Services, a nonprofit organization that goes by the acronym KPETS. She is a full-bred Boxer used to help build bonds and rehabilitate relationships with both children and adults.

Last year she came to Butterfield to work with autistic students one day a week. All 28 Maricopa Unified School District students classified as autistic attend Butterfield, where Conley oversees their instruction with various teachers.

“Some of the kids are nonverbal and don’t respond to adults as well as they do to animals,” Conley said. “Zoey has touched a lot of our kids and has definitely helped in meeting an educational need. Through this community partnership with KPETS, she’s been an effective resource we wouldn’t have otherwise.”