Anthony Smith elected first Pinal County Dist. 4 Supervisor


With all 21 precincts reporting, Republican Anthony “Tony” Smith was elected to the first District 4 Pinal County Supervisor seat, defeating fellow Maricopa resident Democrat Henry Wade with 59.6 percent to 40.3 percent of votes cast.

Smith, former mayor of Maricopa, celebrated his victory at Brooklyn Boys Pizzeria & Restaurant with a group of campaign supporters. “That was an awesome time with everyone there,” Smith said, adding he appreciated the opportunity to thank his supporters.

Smith attributed his victory, in part, to running what he called a “nontraditional campaign.” 

“We didn’t do a lot of the things that annoy people,” Smith said.

He said he didn’t do robo-calls or conduct negative campaigning, but instead focused on going to door-to-door and meeting voters. 

Smith said the people he met on the stump would help him succeed as a county supervisor. 

“To me, that was the thing that made the race not only rewarding, but gave me a stepping stone to know the issues that I will be facing as a supervisor for District 4,” Smith said. 

Smith campaigned on a platform emphasizing “smart growth” prioritizing improving the county's infrastructure by improving transportation with more connections to Interstate 10 and creating local jobs.